
Monday, July 11, 2011

Strawberry Pie

Hey what is that up in the sky is that my Strawberry Pie! No it's our new air conditioner!

If you have been following my blog then you know that I have been with out an a/c for a week. Will they showed up this morning to take our old one away and to bring us a bright and shinny new one.
This is our old one. It is the only A/C that this house has ever known, it has been working hard for 28 years to keep this little old house warm in the winter and cool in the hot California summers.

And yes that is a crane. How else would they get a 3000 pound a/c onto a roof. You see out here in California they do some crazy things, like installing an a/c on the roof of house.
So out with the old and....
and in with the new!

And now after a week of the noise of 3 osculating fans, 1 ceiling fan, and 1 portable a/c; that were trying to keep us cool, with temperatures being over 100 degrees outside. We now get to enjoy the quite of our bright and shinny new air conditioner!
Strawberry Pie
1 cup fresh chopped strawberries
1 small box strawberry jello
1 cup boiling water
2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 graham cracker pie crust
In a large bowl dissolve jello in boiling water. Add vanilla ice cream and stir until melted. Add the strawberries; pour mixture into pie crust. Chill until firm.


  1. Great taht you have new air;) love your strawberry cake(one of my big crops are organic strawberries):)

  2. This was interesting. A/Cs here are on the ground. So this was kind of cool to see. And the pie, oh that pie. Yummy!

  3. Love the bright color of this pie! I bet it tastes amazingly too :) I wanted to invite you over to my cookbook giveaway that is going on right now until July 16th. Stop on by to enter! Hope you are having a great week :)

  4. 28 years?! That’s a very long time indeed! I think if I had been there when it came out, I’d have saluted it and given it a hero’s goodbye or something, haha! I hope the new AC has been working smoothly since it was first installed, and that you haven’t needed it to be repaired yet.


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