
Saturday, July 9, 2011

No-Bake Cookies

HELP! I am having baking withdrawals!
I am not kidding I haven’t had an air conditioner for a week. And the temperature has been over a hundred degrees this week.
When a person like me who loves to cook and bake and can’t, it can make you go a little stir crazy.
We will be getting a new A/C on Monday but in the meantime we are trying to keep the house cool by not turning on the oven.
And that’s why I decide to make this cookie. Oh and also because when I mention it to my daughter Ariel that I wanted to bake something she reminded me of these cookies that her and Brandy would make when they were younger, back when they weren’t allowed to turn on the oven when I wasn’t home. That’s the “COOL” thing about these cookie there is no baking involved they are done on the stove top. That takes care of both my problem then the house stays cool and I get to make something! Oh and there is a better reason I get to share something with you!

N0-Bake Cookies

2 cups sugar
½ cup butter
½ cup milk
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
½ cup peanut butter
3 cups quick cook oatsmeal
1 teaspoon vanilla

In a medium saucepan bring sugar, butter, milk and cocoa powder to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat add peanut butter oatmeal and vanilla. Drop teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper. Let cool!


  1. I haven't made these in what seems forever. We called them Chocolate Oatsies and we added a bit of shredded coconut but the kids could eat and pass them around and 5 minutes later they were gone.

    Well done for a treat on a hot day!

  2. I don't mind if the cookies are no bake;) As long as they taste good and yours surely look like they do;)


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