Monday, July 25, 2011

Chili Relleno Bake

When I made this dish last weekend I had a good size serving, and then I couldn’t stop thinking about how good and cheesy it tasted. I finally gave in and had another big serving! Richard also loved it so much he asked me to make it again last night.
This recipe is a combination of two different recipes from a cookbook that I bought over 20 years ago, and I also added my own little twist to it. They sold the cookbook to help buy new playground equipment for my daughter Brandy’s school, John C. Fremont. I know that I made a few dishes from it when I first bought it all those years ago, but I haven’t looked at in years.  I came across it the other day when I was looking for another cookbook, and decided take a look through it, and I found the two recipes. Both recipes called for can chilies, but it is easy to just roast your own.
Now I have made chili rellenos before, the authentic way. But this is so much easier!

Chili Relleno Bake

6 poblano peppers
3 cups grated Monterey jack cheese
4 eggs
1/3 cup milk
½ cup flour
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon baking powder

Turn the oven broiler on high. Place the chilies on a foil-lined baking sheet.

Roast chilies 2 to 3 inches from the heat until they blistered and charred about 5 to 8 minutes turn and repeat on other side.

Place roasted chilies in large bowl; cover with plastic wrap. Let stand 20 minutes before peeling. Peel each chili removing all skin; split open and remove seeds; set aside

In a large bowl whisk together eggs, milk, flour, salt and baking powder. Pour 1/3 of the batter into a 13x9 inch baking dish that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Layer 3 of the chilies on top of the batter; top with 2 cups of the grated cheese; then add the remaining 3 chilies.

 Pour remaining batter over chilies. Top with the remaining cheese.

I had Richard helping me!
 Bake for 30 minutes at 350F.
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Anonymous said...

Those kind of dishes I ama making at the moment as it is here bitter cold(Winter).Normally North Island of New Zealnd never gets snow(except high in the mouuntains) but yesterday it snowed near Auckalnd,first time in the history.Global warming>
I don't know .personally I don't mind snow.And with dish like this it can be very warm:)

Anonymous said...

This looks so cheesy and yummy!

Maureen said...

Anything this cheesy has to be good. :)

Unknown said...

Wow, I'll bet this is spicy and super yummy! I love finding "old" new cookbooks on my shelves!

Dwiana said...

Lots of cheese... mmmmm look yummy!

Buttercream Blondie said...

Stefani I'm glad I found your blog :) This dish looks so cheesy & so delicious!

Anonymous said...

I thing it may good to eat that I saw recpies in ur blogs Cooking Equipment

Anonymous said...

My husband and I made this tonight and it was REALLY good. We did have seconds and we noticed that the second helping was better than the first after it had set for a few minutes. Next time we are going to let it sit for 10 or so minutes after we take it from the oven.