
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Apple Bread

What am I suppose to do with this bag of apple? Ariel asked me a few weeks ago if I would buy her some granny smith apples. You see I always keep Fuji apples in the house because they are mine and Richards’s favorites. But Ariel likes Granny Smith; it used to be my favorite also. That was before I tasted my first Fuji apple. But when it comes to baking I like to use the Granny Smith.
So what recipes could I prepare from my collection that would help me with this little problem of a bag of apples. Will I decided to start with one of my favorites Apple bread. And I know that this will be a favorite of yours to. And soon your house will smell just as delicious as mine!

Apple Bread
2 cups sugar
1 cup oil
3 eggs
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups chopped, peeled apples
1 cup chopped walnuts

Grease 2 loaf pans. In a large mixing bowl beat together the sugar, oil, and eggs. In a separate bowl sift together the flour, salt, baking soda, and cinnamon. Add the dry ingredients to the sugar mixture. Add the vanilla, apples and nuts. Pour the batter into prepared pans. Bake in 325⁰F for 1 hour.


  1. I have come across some sweet breads now.And will try them.Apple msut be yummy:)

  2. This apple bread looks delicious!

  3. Hi Stephanie! This looks really good! I'd have to omit the cinnamon, but I think it would work.... Fuji apples are my favorite, too!

  4. This looks and sounds delish! I'm a lover of Granny Smith's also. Fuji's are wonderful aren't they?

    I'm a new follower and I will be perusing other recipes you have here. :-)

    Thanks for stopping by ~



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